Aspen HPX is pending for nonprofit 501(c)(3) status. Aspen HPX is dedicated to providing experiential opportunities to veterans, disenfranchised women and leaders of all varieties from around the globe to impact lives and create positive ripple effects within our larger society.
ASPEN HPX is in partnership with the following organizations:
BeArded WARRIORs is for Active Duty service members, veterans and their family members. BeArded WARRIORs bring veterans together; in hopes to help those dealing with PTSD, TBI, other injuries or disease, depression to help lessen the stressors when returning home or leaving military service.
Wounded Warrior Project
We know that the transition to civilian life is a journey. We are here for their first step, and each step that follows. Because we believe that every warrior should have a positive future to look forward to. There’s always another goal to achieve, another mission to discover. We are their partner in that mission.
Red Moon Tactical
Red Moon Tactical has one goal in mind, tactical training in a realistic yet safe environment to keep you and your family safe. Our training is both challenging and fun. We truly believe in our process and will continue to adapt to current situations that both Law Enforcement and civilians face in the modern era.
National Disabled Veterans Sports Clinc
A world leader in rehabilitation, the National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic provides nearly 400 profoundly disabled Veterans with training and rehabilitation every year. Veterans with TBIs, spinal cord injuries, visual impairments, amputations and other severe disabilities are challenged to overcome perceived limitations through adaptive skiing, sled hockey, scuba diving, rock wall climbing, education and other activities.
Build Healthy Habits
Discover the Power of Purpose
Establish eXceptional eXecution